When making a plan with an adoption agency for your baby you may have questions about the role of the biological father in the adoption plans. Your social worker can talk to you about your specific situation and figure out what the best and safest way to address this question is for you.
While the law does often require that biological fathers be notified with an adoption plan, there are many situations where adoptions are possible if he is not available to participate in the plan or does not want to be involved with the baby.
Adoption agency counselors and lawyers are sensitive to the fact that many times biological parents choosing adoption do not have strong relationships and are ready to help address this in the best way possible for you and your baby.
Counseling Services with an adoption agency are always free for parents facing an unplanned pregnancy. There are no costs to you, or any insurance carrier, to help you explore the option of adoption for you and your baby – or to make an adoption plan. Even if you do not choose adoption in the end the support along the way of making that decision is always free.